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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How I meet my Boss??

Last Friday saya ada date dengan CEO company saya....cehwaaahh!!! hahaha...Ada pls stop berangan!! meeting...waaaaa....meeting dengan CEO company tuh...paling kuat pun saya boleh berkomunikasi dengan HEAD department (based on my hierarchy la...)
selepas saya di informed yang saya ada appointment meeting dengan beliau jantung, hati mata, kaki, tangan terus freeze dari bergerak...
macam mana ni?? boleh ker?? tolong...tolong...tolong....
apa yang perlu saya buat....? tentula saya tak nak lepaskan peluang keemasan ini....bagusnyer saya!!
sbb saya tahu saya bagus!! hehehe...ok..ok... nak sharing tips to readers
"How to Communicate with your Boss" bole?

Tapi apa-apa pun introduce dulu diri anda sewaktu mula berbicara ya...cth:

" Hello Boss or name, assalamualaikum (if muslim). It's nice to meet you...I'm Ada from....(bukan from your hometown tau!! tp from means which deparment or sections)"
hey..hey~~pls using your full name Ada..Ada

  • Before talking to your boss, take a pen and notebook and write down everything you want to talk about in chronological order.
  • Rehearse the conversation with your boss with a friend or by yourself. If you choose to rehearse by yourself, later on share what you plan to say with a friend and ask him for his opinion on your communication approach.
  • Practice body language as well as what you plan on saying. Practice to the point where you can avoid fidgeting, looking off into space, tapping your feet, slouching, or backing away.
  • Bring your pen and notebook with you to your meeting with your boss and reference back to your notes about what you wanted to say. Also, take notes on what your boss says to you.
  • Avoid absolutes and words such as "always," "never," "you" and "every." Instead, use words such as "perhaps," "maybe," and "I."
  • Respect your boss by listening carefully. Repeat key points to show you understand, and if something is unclear to you, ask for your boss to repeat it. Ask questions based on his responses to show you are paying attention and want to learn more.
  • Throughout the entire conversation, make sure that you continuously calm your nerves, manage your anger, be polite, be open-minded and stay positive during the conversation.
  • Thank your boss for his time and praise him for his help.


  1. huhu mesti goyang nk jmpa big boss tu

  2. a'ah la beb...goyang jugak la...smpai tersasul2 nk ckp.... :)
